A Meditation on Algorithms

A guided exercise to overcome algorithmitis

B. Lorraine Smith
8 min readSep 20, 2022
“Algorithmitis Overcome” (A chalk drawing by me)

With great calm comes great power

I can get pretty up in arms when I think about how much influence algorithms have over my life — these insidious bits of code designed by people whose intentions I don’t share or even know about.

I call this algorithmitis, i.e. the sense of being invaded and controlled by hidden forces as I simply go about my day. Ads being served up in my google search based on private emails I’ve sent. Sponsored tweets based on recent online purchases. Some people’s messages being amplified, others suppressed. That kind of thing.

It’s not a nice condition, this algorithmitis. But then I was like:

Wait a minute. Why am I getting up in arms? Why not settle down and notice what’s happening? Why not apply the same principles of non-judgmental mindfulness to algorithms as to any other rough patch in life?

This approach has proven very helpful. Being up in arms is not a good feeling. My body feels tight…



B. Lorraine Smith
B. Lorraine Smith

Written by B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact. https://www.blorrainesmith.com/

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