You’ve noticed that sustainable business isn’t sustainable.

Despite great intentions and public declarations, you sense your employer is undermining instead of contributing to a better world — now what?

I guide people like you who are energized by the challenge and willing to stretch their thinking, to lean into their role in creating positive change.

All of my speaking, advising, research, and writing are done in service of my vision, which is an economy that serves life.

In 2021, I stopped working in mainstream sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Now I share sustainable business insights without the constraint of misguided ESG frameworks or truth-bending quarterly earnings.

You can still follow + subscribe to my Medium stories here, and you can check out my lists of past Medium writing here. However, as of September 2024 I publish exclusively on my website.

I benefit greatly from my experience on Medium. The Matereality Marathon changed my life for the better and could not have happened anywhere else — among many other examples of Medium’s potential. And without question Medium put some great writers in front of me whose work I continue to value. I hope it also put me in front of some people who value my work.

I continue to publish a weekly free letter — you can sign up here. My blog will also continue to be free. And I have launched a new marketplace with events and enhanced downloads (PDF reports with audio and video) bundling my consulting insights into digestible, economical packages.

I say “economical” because, having been in mainstream sustainability consulting for twenty years, I know a $10k benchmarking project when I conduct one. I also know a $90k sustainability stakeholder engagement project when I conduct one. Corporate budgets are currently distributed for work that lacks impact and fuels the broken, endless-economic-growth machine with dashes of “less bad”.

My work disrupts this, at a tiny fraction of the cost — often open source and free.

Find out how I can offer guidance for your industry — and sign up for my weekly newsletter — at

Medium member since January 2018
Connect with B. Lorraine Smith
B. Lorraine Smith

B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.