Free 5-Point Climate Week Briefing
Tips to prime you ahead of the week — whether you’re attending in person or not
This is an invitation to do something useful and joyful in relation to Climate Week, which begins this week in New York City. I compiled this based on years of experience immersed in corporate sustainability while living in NYC.
If it seems unfairly critical read from top to bottom, consider switching the order and reading from bottom to top. I mean this sincerely, and I also mean it as an indication of how upside down things are. Thankfully, we can change this.
I used to live two blocks north of the United Nations headquarters. Something as simple as crossing the street became a barrier-strewn adventure during the UN General Assemblies. Things calmed down a little during Climate Week, but still it was hectic.
Logistical headaches aside, I was conveniently located to participate as a professional working in corporate sustainability. As a result, I found myself attending lots of Climate Week meetings and events.