How Do We Change Paradigms?

I’ll show you one way at Medium Day

B. Lorraine Smith
3 min readAug 9, 2023
I’ll be presenting at Medium Day at 2:30pm EDT, sharing why I left sustainability consulting, what I do now, and how Medium is key to the mischief.

Are you committed to positive change yet you find it hard to discern reality vs myth among the media noise?

Do you have a nagging feeling that all the sustainable ambitions in the world don’t add up to a livable climate in a thriving society?

Do you hear “shifting paradigms” and wonder what that means in real life?

If any of this sounds familiar, I’m sorry but we’re totally screwed. NO WAIT! I mean: you might appreciate my talk during Medium Day this coming Saturday, at 2:30 EDT (in your time zone, here).

I’ll be sharing why I left (or, more accurately, ran away from) a couple decades of well-paid sustainability consulting work and entered another paradigm, that of industrial healing.

My vision is an economy that works in service of life.

In this economy, every industry — every company, in every region around the world — heals, restores, creates life-affirming outcomes. This is not an initiative or a program. It is what the economy does.

I’ll present more about how I came to this, and how Medium helps me live this vision.

UPDATE: Here’s a recording of my talk

A recording of my 30-minute talk during Medium Day.

Medium Day is free for anyone to attend

Here’s how to join my session:

  1. Click here. Register.
  2. Search this complete agenda and find my session from 2:30–3:00pm EDT. Click on the calendar icon to add the link to your calendar. My session is called: Using Mischief To Make Real Change For The Better.
  3. Join on time and buckle in!
  4. Ask me questions — I’ll leave time for open chats.
  5. BONUS: There are tons of sessions on a range of topics. Enjoy the day!

PS I will be covering a lot in a very brief amount of time, as I forecast here, yet the path of Industrial Healing has many side trails. I’m preparing a Breadcrumb post with more info about these side trails that we’ll be breezing past on Saturday so you can chart your own course. Stay tuned! (Consider adding your name here to receive an email notification when I publish.)

I’m excited about this. :-)

Since you’re here, you likely recognize that more corporate sustainability targets and ESG initiatives are not the solution, and that despite industries investing billions in such targets and initiatives, we have more waste, inequality, and biodiversity loss.

If that sounds like you, consider subscribing to my newsletter where I stretch our thinking about completely transforming the industrial model — and offer practical insights and tools to make my vision of a life-serving economy a reality.

And if you’re ready for hard-hitting, data-driven stories on ESG, come and join the deep dives in the Matereal World substack, where I help former clients, collaborators, and passionate sustainability professionals get real and serious about “being the change.”

In case you’re not already, be sure to follow + subscribe to all my Medium stories here. This is where I share a variety of articles, interviews, book reviews, and other adventures along the trail towards Industrial Healing.



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.