Medium Short: Living the Dreams

The ones that give me goosebumps and make me cry

B. Lorraine Smith
5 min readMar 17, 2023
These are the remaining chunks of work to get to a “reasonably useful state” for Monday morning’s exciting plan. Also known as one big stride towards living my dreams. (Photo of my notebook, by me).

Welcome to the latest Medium Short, a weekly accountability practice highlighting what I am reading, writing, and doing along the unmarked trail towards #IndustrialHealing. This is a personal update — my (debatably) more professional writing is freely available through this link.

I had the great fortune to work with an amazing coach for a few years. She schooled me — big time — in the ways of creating, evolving, and living my dreams. Everything from housing to heartstrings, all of life’s rich nooks and crannies were on the table for dreaming. The “test” to check if a dream was worthy: did I get goosebumps or get emotional sharing it out loud with a close friend?

I don’t work with her anymore, though we keep in touch and I think of her as a guardian angel. And I actively maintain and nurture those ever-evolving dreams (in a spreadsheet, of course). Which is how I know I’m getting closer to living them.

As key performance indicators go, the goosebumps are suggesting good progress.

Here’s a snapshot of the goose-bumpy week that was, with tears of hilarity as a bonus.

Reading: Goosebumps on goosebumps



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.