Medium Short: Uphill Practice

Entering the lean-in-and-love-the-journey phase of the work

B. Lorraine Smith
4 min readMar 10, 2023
For my birthday, I treated myself to an early morning hill repeat workout on one of Montreal’s steeper streets using a snowbank to keep count. For my past two birthdays I ran my age (i.e. 50km, 51km) but jamming in a 52km run on a Tuesday morning didn’t fit with the marathon training schedule. Hill reps were gift enough. (Photo by me)

Welcome to the latest Medium Short, a weekly accountability practice highlighting what I am reading, writing, and doing along the unmarked trail towards #IndustrialHealing. This is a personal update — my more professional writing is, as with all of my articles, freely available through this link.

I’m tired, but it’s a good tired, like that exhilarated feeling that comes from playing outside all day. I’m glad it’s a good tired because I am getting deeper into things that take a lot of energy — mostly indoors, mostly JBS Matereality, with a dose of author interviewing, coaching, and outdoor marathon training. There’s no time for bad tired now. This is the fun part.

Here’s what’s what.

Reading: while talking to the author

Why my excitement about the Boudica series? Because along with beautifully written myth-busting visions of Rome’s invasion of Britain, it is highly relevant to what’s happening now.

I am lucky to know the author, Manda Scott (she hosted me on her podcast, and I was an invited speaker at Thrutopia). So I took a leap and asked if I could explore more deeply what all is going on here and she kindly humoured me.



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.