Medium Short: Voicing problems

A week of giving voice to problems, learning, and listening for solutions

B. Lorraine Smith
5 min readAug 25, 2023
A view from the bus window heading from Montreal to Manitoulin Island yesterday. Long bus rides make space for learning. (Photo by me)

Welcome to the latest Medium Short, a weekly accountability practice highlighting what I’m up to along the unmarked trail to #IndustrialHealing.

I arrived on Manitoulin Island after a long bus trip yesterday. I’m here for a mix of family visiting and pitching in at Split Rail since it was so much fun last summer. A flotilla of mergansers is swimming past as I type this, reminding me I want to get outside. So here comes a quick recap of the week in which I gave voice to “the problem” as I see it, and spent time learning what to do about it.

Saying it (a little less scruffily) out loud

My dear friend Sarah Climenhaga (yes, this Sarah) was in town visiting last week. Among other wonderful things that her visit entailed, she thrifted me her podcast gear! Now my podcasting adventures can sound a little less scruffy.

And so I recorded the second episode of the Matereal World podcast, this one giving voice to the piece Purpose Is As Purpose Does.



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.