Rainbows, yes. Unicorns, no.

Bring on the magic, let go of the fantasy, notice the difference

B. Lorraine Smith
6 min readNov 2, 2022
Rainbow does not equal Unicorn. (Art by me.)

When I think about the future I want, I use my imagination a fair bit. I have a lot to draw on because the imaginal cells of what’s to come are already here. I am not expecting any magi to show up and hand over their gifts. Instead I trust my inner mage to recognize and amplify images of this magical future.

Is this fantasy?


Word origins are fun to explore — not to tangle us up in definitions but to illuminate the trail of breadcrumbs that came before, so we can double back sometimes to make sure we haven’t lost our way.

For instance, if you double back to the first paragraph above you’ll see I used six words that contain the same root — mag — the meaning of which comprises a heady combination of “ability”, “wisdom”, and “greatness”. The word “power” gets thrown in there, too.

Seeds becoming plants have been modeling this magic for billions of years. The…



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact. https://www.blorrainesmith.com/