Member-only story
They are in the room
Erasure is hard to see — look for it anyway

Sitting in on a number of discussions at Biodiversity COP15 here in Montreal this week, I have heard over and over how Indigenous people are essential to our success. The data backs this up: the highest levels of biodiversity are in areas where Indigenous people are the main land stewards. But this risks just being more blah blah blah, to paraphrase Jing Tauli Carpuz, if we don’t understand some basic contextual facts that are equally true.
We need to do a bit of Erasure 101 before we can get to the next level where we actually change things for the better.
“Acknowledging” while still erasing
This blah blah blah is part of how erasure works. We think we are taking action by listening to discussions and joining marches and instagramming our concerns. But often we are missing reality on the ground which is the only reality that matters for this kind of action.
To illustrate my point, I’ll share an example of erasure in my own backyard. I am mindful that this not my story to tell, so I will focus on the visible acts of erasure and my culture’s role in it. There is lots more to hear and do beyond what I offer here.