Very gently this time: TD Matereality

Lucky for me I have friends who tell me to do better

B. Lorraine Smith
3 min readSep 15, 2022
This was a 500+ word letter to TD Bank. But all you need to know is why I’m doing this, and what I’m offering.

My dear friend Eva messaged me the other day to say my TD Matereality video brief was painfully impenetrable. I’m paraphrasing of course — she is far more kind and tactful — but I doubled back to have a look. Oof! She was so right. You have to really love data rich GoogleSlides to survive that one.

If at first you make it too complicated, simplify it

So I redid it. I hereby bring you a new and improved video that approaches the Matereality assessment — and the findings about TD Bank — more simply. I even took a detour to make a visually digestible deck.

(I’m no longer willing to sink days and nights into the kind of slide-monkeying that consultants get paid for regardless of what the slides actually say. I have made some beautiful slides in my day but I’m not going back there. Still, I realize slides should not terrify the Matereality-curious.)

By the end of these 16 minutes you will have a clear understanding of the approach of Matereality and the four main findings of the assessment on TD. Anyone keen to dig can still run down lots of complex trails, outlined in this article here, and linked on my website here.



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact.