What goes on around here?

B. Lorraine Smith
6 min readJan 17, 2022
Variation on original artwork for “ESG Data Is Like Less Wife Beating” (Feb 2021)

Since launching this Medium channel in 2016 it’s been a fun writing adventure. My purpose in life is to support the shift to an economy that works in service of life, so that’s what I write about. However, because the English language, the emergent life-affirming economy and I are all a bit young and naïve, my writing takes different forms as I seek the right vocabulary and style to get at the thing.

In this channel you’ll find case studies, presentations, letters, personal essays, poems, running adventures and even dose of science fiction and magical realism.

Click here for a Table of Contents of everything I’ve published on Medium so far.

I also share a Medium Short every Friday with an update of what I’ve been doing the previous week, including relevant links and findings.

It has been helpful to me to craft all of these pieces and lay them out on my digital front lawn for my virtual neighbours (that would be you!) to gawk at, or not, as may suit you in the moment. I have learned a great deal, met some incredible people, and engaged in some challenging, deep and — for me at least — important conversations as a result. My sincere hope is that this work may be of some use to you as well.

Following are some broad strokes about what goes on around here — a bit of a guided tour if you will — in case…



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact. https://www.blorrainesmith.com/