Why An Interspecies Approach is Key To A Sustainable Future

Exploration and examples that show we are already hard-wired to take this approach

B. Lorraine Smith
6 min readAug 21, 2022
For instance, I bet you could gather a lot of insights from this one little fungus-on-cut-tree situation, just by reflecting with intention. (Photo by me.)

A few weeks back I wrote about what I would do If I Had a Trillion Dollars. The prompt came from recalling a budget I drew up to prepare for the unlikely event of my having a billion dollars, and then realizing I needed to move the decimal a few places after conducting the assessment on TD Bank. This all stemmed from my experimental industrial art project, Matereality.

In the Trillion Dollars piece, I provided a hierarchy of my trillion dollar spending needs. At the top was taking an “interspecies approach”. This has, per usual, led to more questions than answers, so I explore the approach further here.

Of all the conceptual places I’ve wandered into, this one is the most wide-open, so I am hopeful you, dear readers, will weigh in with reflections of your own.

Instead of being angry about how wrecked things are, or seeing my own species as an invasive, destructive force…



B. Lorraine Smith

Former sustainability consultant replacing ESG with reality-based insights about corporate purpose and impact. https://www.blorrainesmith.com/